Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tomato Juice For Your Skin

Summer is a time when, for many of us, it’s easier to eat and live healthily. The abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables not only in the stores but also in seasonal menu items means that it’s easier to walk away from the junk food and enjoy something a little healthier without noticing the change. But just like every season of the year, summer diets can use some adjusting in order to make sure that you’re eating the best balance of foods for your skin’s health. What should you be looking for? Here are some tips.

What You Need: Antioxidants

Why You Need Them: During the summer, most people typically spend more time outside. This means more exposure to the sun, and even if you’re using sun protection the damage from UV rays will build up. UV rays create free radicals in your body. Free radicals are damaged oxygen molecules that are missing an electron. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by replacing the electron before the free radical can attack a skin cell to “steal” and electron, ultimately damaging the skin cell. In the summer, when more free radicals are being created, you need more antioxidants to balance them out.

Where To Get Them: Antioxidants are in all fruits and vegetables, but the darker the fruit or vegetable is, the more antioxidant power it has. Look for dark greens like spinach and kale and dark fruits like blueberries. You can also substitute iced green tea for iced black tea for your summer beverage to get even more antioxidant boosts.

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