If I had a pound (£1) for every time someone used the 'stretch mark' excuse for not wearing a bikini or swimming trunks, or a sleeveless outfit, or shorts or a mini skirt; I would be so rich you would find me on the Dragon's Den (Shark Tank) giving out money alongside Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis and Duncan Bannatyne.
Stretch marks, male or female are a huge blow to your confidence. Prevents you from wearing what you want and the way you want, you become frightened at the mere thought of taking off your clothes in front people or even the mirror.
Contrary to the general belief, stretch marks are permanent! However, if treated effectively, they can be reduced to the point they are almost invisible.There are some many different remedies and creams out there, but the one below is one of the best you will ever come across.
Why is it the best?
- Because it is natural.
- Because it can also be used as a preventive measure against stretch marks.
- Because not only does it contain Aloe Vera Gel, it also contains vitamins A, C, E, Bisabolol as well as natural oils from Borage seed, Soya bean and Coconut (Caprylic triglyceride).
Forever Alpha-E Factor
This is a skin-replenishing agent which enhances your skin like nothing you have tried before. Moisturizing from within to make your skin smooth, younger-looking and supple. Now this is why Forever Alpha-E factor works:
- Vitamins A, C, E and Soya bean oil are moisturizers and powerful antioxidants, prevent skin damage by free radicals. 80% of skin damage is caused by free radicals.
- Vitamin A enhances the elasticity of the skin while Vitamin C inhibits the formation of scar tissue.
- Borage seed oil provides the skin with an essential fatty acid called gamma linoleic acid which helps restore moisture.
- Lecithin is an excellent emollient which improves skin suppleness.
- Bisabolol is a natural soothing agent suitable for sensitive skin.
If you are worried you may develop stretch marks may be due to weight gain or gym work, then apart from Forever Alpha-E factor, you should consume a diet rich in Multi-Minerals. A diet lacking in multi-minerals contributes to the growth and largeness of stretch marks.

If you find it difficult to obtain a diet rich in multi-minerals, then a good supplement to add to your diet would be Nature-Min. It contains all the minerals you body requires: Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Molybdenum, Selenium, Vanadium, Stearic acid, Croscarmellose Sodium, Natural sea mineral deposit.
This is how you prevent and treat stretch marks.
Now you have a choice: keep avoiding social events, gatherings, parties, swimming; not being able to wear certain outfits, hate or avoid the sight of yourself in the mirror OR do something about. Start using Forever Alpha-E Factor and Nature Min.
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